March Plant of the Month

Have you heard the expression that Spring comes in like a lion, but out like a lamb? Well, spring has sprung and it hasn't roared yet ... in fact, we've been delighted by the very welcome sunshine, and all the beautiful spring bulbs.

March brings Mother's Day as well as the arrival of Spring, so with that thought in mind, we've got three lovely houseplant suggestions that you could consider. Of course, you don't need an excuse to buy a plant (we would know), and there are so many to choose from.

We've put together this quick summary so you'll have a better idea of the benefits of each. And if you have any questions about these, or any other, houseplants, we're very happy to advise.

Sansevieria trifasciata"Mother-in-Law's Tongue"

You may well recognise this impressive (if slightly menacing looking) plant, with its stiff, sword-shaped leaves. It's very popular due to its sturdy and undemanding nature. In fact, it's happier left alone, like an introvert at a party, and will be absolutely fine without water for weeks. It's also fine in a shady place, although it will be fine in a brighter spot too. Basically, you'd be hard pressed to do it any harm, unless you overwater it. (That's a cardinal sin for pretty much all houseplants, to be fair.) 

Medinilla flamenco, "Tropical Rose Grape"

If you're looking for something different, perhaps with a bit of wow factor, a Medinilla is a great choice. The dangling flowers make a real statement, and the leaves are substantial in size. Not a plant you'd see at the supermarket, this is more of a statement piece. And at this time of year, houseplants - like the plants in the garden - are waking up and getting going. They'll be more than happy in a warm spot with indirect light and a good soaking once a week at most. 

Anthurium andreanum, "Flamingo Flower"

Now these are likely to be a plant you'll know, and they are pretty exotic in nature. A warm, sunny spot and a weekly drink (like so many plants) will do the job well enough, and you'll be rewarded with a regular supply of flowers if you feed them once a fortnight as well. Consequently an easy enough houseplant, and a great gift - whether for Mothering Sunday (as it was traditionally known) or just because. 



March Plant of the Month